Thursday, December 10, 2009

End of Blogging Hiatus??

So I haven't been able to blog for quite some time because of one teeny tiny thing...

We had a baby on November 1!!

It's been very difficult for me to find any time to sit down and get a blog entry written. There are a couple entries I wanted to write on the baby blog too, but I just haven't been able to get there. In fact, I haven't really been able to get much of anything done at all since he was born. I seriously wonder how any mother of a newborn ever gets anything done!

These are some highlights of things that have been happening in the past month and a half that I wanted to blog about but never found the time to do so. If you're the kind who wants to know more details, then you'll just have to call me to ask about them.

  • Halloween- water broke and went into labor
  • Nov. 1- ended up having a c-section and baby Canon Michael Dahl was born
  • Canon was brought into the NICU for breathing problems and given an antibiotic
  • Nov. 2- my OB/GYN and a nurse came to visit me in the hospital and told me that they didn't know that I had delivered until I didn't show up for my appointment that day and they called to find out what happened. (YEAH! That was a shocker to me too!!! My OB didn't even know that I was in wonder I didn't see her the whole time!!)
  • While getting ready to be discharged from the hospital, I couldn't find my ring that I left on the sink. (Don't worry, it wasn't my wedding ring. However, it was special to me. It was the ring my brother and his wife gave me for my birthday when I was in high school!!)
  • Canon was discharged from the hospital 2 days after I was, and that made for a happy Nana because she was finally able to hold him.
  • Nana Brown (aka Mom Brown) stayed with us for one more week to help out with the baby. The day she left, Grandma Dahl (aka Mom Dahl) came for a week.
  • I went to church 2 weeks after he was born, and every week since. The other ladies there tell me that I'm crazy for having come to church so soon! :)
  • Mark has been working like a dog to finish up the semester. He doesn't have many finals, but there are a lot of projects for him and he was really worried that he wouldn't be able to get everything done in time.
  • Prof. Sloan FINALLY certified Mark's paper. This is an upper-classman writing assignment that needed to be certified before graduation. He's been working on that paper for over a year, and Prof. Sloan just never thought it was good enough. It's finally there and Mark can let that one burden off his shoulders. YAY!!!
  • Mark makes such a cute daddy when he's playing with Canon and lets him fall asleep in his arms.
  • We had Thanksgiving at a friend's house, and it was so nice to not have to worry about getting everything all put together this year. I love throwing Thanksgiving like I did the past 2 years, but I was so not up for it 3 weeks after having a c-section.
  • Canon has had 2 appointments with the Dr. Tuli, the pediatrician. He's growing beautifully and is perfectly healthy.
  • I brought Canon with me to attend my office's holiday party, and they all wanted to see him. Even the senior managing director wanted to hold him...which made me feel good. He's so ga-ga over babies. That night we had friends babysit while Mark and I attended the office's dinner party.
  • Mommyhood is going smoothly....ok it's rough not getting much sleep, but I love being with my little boy and to see him smile in his sleep. I love that he's so cute and likes to cuddle. he's awake. Gotta go!